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Time to think differently about boosting capacity

15 september 2021
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In an article for Hospital Times, Vanguard CEO David Cole explores why it’s time to think differently about how to boost healthcare capacity and the role flexible infrastructure can play in the NHS’ renewal and recovery in a post-COVID climate.

The COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating ripple effects have shone a light on the inflexibility of the current NHS infrastructure, hindering healthcare organisations’ ability to flex and respond to increased demand and disruption to services. As the NHS recovers from the pandemic, a thorough examination of the NHS built environment is needed and different approaches and solutions to create more flex and adaptability required.

In an artikel for Hospital Times, Vanguard CEO David Cole explores why it’s time to think differently about how to boost healthcare capacity and the role flexible infrastructure can play in the NHS’ renewal and recovery in a post-COVID climate. 


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Vanguard Healthcare Solutions
Unit 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD


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