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Innovative mobile Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD) unit provided to Medical Centre Leeuwarden

2 Maggio, 2019
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Vanguard provides an innovative mobile Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD) unit to Medical Centre Leeuwarden during a vital refurbishment project.

Two leading medical technology companies have joined forces to help the Medical Centre Leeuwarden during a vital refurbishment project.

Vanguard Healthcare Solutions designs and builds mobile healthcare facilities and is set to provide an innovative mobile Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD) unit at the hospital.

The hospital is due to renovate its own CSSD where all reusable instruments used in surgical procedures are intensively cleaned, disinfected and sterilised.

While this vital department is under renovation, a solution was needed to ensure the equipment used in surgery at the hospital could continue to be prepared for reuse on site. To create this solution, Getinge are providing a refurbishment service for the hospital which includes installing the Vanguard mobile CSSD unit, which has been designed to provide replacement capacity for the cleaning, sterilising and packaging of surgical instruments.

The unit is fully equipped, self-sufficient, and has a total surface of 120 m². It includes a precleaning station with a built-in ultrasonic cleaner, Getinge washer disinfectors and steam sterilisers, a water treatment installation, compressed air supply, an electronic data centre and HEPA filtered air treatment installation.

The hospital is a large non-university hospital in the Netherlands and is one of the country’s major top clinical centres, offering secondary and tertiary care across its 668 beds and in clinical specialities including pulmonology, cardiovascular surgery and bariatric surgery. It serves a population of more than 250,000 people.

After the successful completion of various tests and validations, the Vanguard mobile CSSD unit was ready for use on April 22nd and is due to be in place at the hospital for between six and eight weeks. The unit has been designed to ensure speedy deployment, set-up and, following completion of the project, extraction from hospital sites. Steve Peak , Delivery and Development Director at Vanguard, said: “We’re delighted to be working alongside Getinge to provide our stand-alone sterilisation unit at the Medical Centre Leeuwarden.

“Vanguard developed the CSSD unit to provide a mobile, yet fully-integrated solution for hospitals who are under-going refurbishment or who require additional capacity for sterilisation of surgical equipment, using the very best in equipment and design to ensure the highest of quality.

“We’ve had fantastic feedback from the hospital on the speed in which the unit was delivered and installed and we’re very much looking forward to working with the team there and Getinge on this exciting project.”

Henk Driebergen, Sales Manager Infection Control Benelux at Getinge, fully agrees with this: “The partnership with Vanguard enables usto provide hospitals with a unique solution. The mobile CSA is a turnkey solution due to the speed of installation and commissioning

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Soluzioni sanitarie Vanguard
Unità 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD


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