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Cosa aspettarsi nel 2022

4 Gennaio, 2022
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Nel corso dell'ultimo anno Vanguard Healthcare Solutions ha supportato il servizio sanitario nazionale nel far fronte alle esigenze di infrastrutture cliniche aggiuntive durante i periodi di crescente domanda di capacità e di ristrutturazione sulla scia della pandemia di Covid-19.

Throughout the past year Vanguard Healthcare Solutions has supported the NHS in addressing their needs for additional clinical infrastructure during periods of rising capacity demands and refurbishment in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. After a successful 2021, Vanguard is looking to further their success as one of the UK’s leading innovative healthcare providers through the expansion of our modular services. Here’s what to look forward to in 2022: Second mixed-modality solution set to welcome patients in early January Following the success of the first mixed-modality solution at

Derriford Hospital

in the summer of 2021, Vanguard has supported a further healthcare provider in designing and installing a bespoke ophthalmological surgical facility. The facility is set to welcome patients in early 2022 and marks the business’ position as the UK’s only mixed-modality healthcare infrastructure provider. Modular surgical complex to open The Hywel Dda University Health Board is set to introduce a modular surgical theatre complex to assist in rising demands for additional capacity at the Prince Phillip Hospital in Llanelli. Through the introduction of modular facilities in 2021, this complex will provide additional assistance to the NHS in their Covid-19 recovery. Read more about the new facility Qui . Vanguard launches sustainability drive Following the NHS’s pledge for carbon neutrality by 2040, Vanguard is looking to further their sustainability efforts throughout 2022, extending beyond the provision of services and facilities. Vanguard’s sustainability drive is already underway with a range of exciting projects commencing in January.

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Soluzioni sanitarie Vanguard
Unità 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD


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