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Now available on NHS Shared Business Services modular buildings framework, ref SBS/10091

13 iulie, 2021
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Faster, cost effective, and greener building solutions.

We are delighted to announce that Vanguard Healthcare Solutions has been appointed to the NHS Shared Business Services - modular buildings framework, ref SBS/10091

The modular buildings framework provides a compliant route to access modern methods of construction. This framework agreement includes the purchase, hire or lease of modular solutions, including, offsite building solutions, modular hospital buildings, patient offload departments (PODs) and much more.

The benefits of using modular construction sourced via the NHS SBS modular buildings framework agreement includes:

  • Efficiency gains from modular construction

The efficiency gains from modular and offsite manufactured solutions support the delivery of the government's construction and industry strategy targets, which include time and cost savings as well as whole life cost benefits and in use savings. This modular building framework in turn provides a fully UK compliant route for NHS and public sector organisations to procure all types of modular building solutions. The framework agreement has been awarded following a fair and open competition across the offsite construction and modular buildings market. The specification has been developed through thorough consultation with the market and experts in the field of modern methods of construction.

  • 50% faster delivery than onsite construction

Both permanent and temporary modular build solutions are available with preferential pricing without the need for a further complex procurement process. Direct award and mini-competition routes are available under this framework allowing the procurement process to be quicker and more efficient.

  • Less on-site disruption

Modular Buildings are pre-manufactured in a controlled factory environment and assembled on site offering a full turnkey solution. Ideal for live and busy clinical environments

  • Control of costs

The framework provides the flexibility to purchase and hire from the capital and revenue budget. Production in a controlled factory environment will keep your project on time and on cost.

  • Greener

Modular buildings provide sustainable, greener solutions to help the construction industry on the road to net zero.


Further details of the framework are available Aici

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Vanguard Soluții de asistență medicală
Unitatea 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD


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