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Announcement confirms more funding to tackle NHS waiting lists in Wales.

2 Luglio, 2019
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£50 million fund to further cut waiting times for elective procedures

Since 2016, the Welsh Government has invested £150 million to cut some of the longest waiting times, resulting in some of the best performances in over 6 years, with 3 health boards reporting no one waiting over 36 weeks for treatment and at the end of March 2019:

  • the number of people waiting over 26 weeks was the best position since July 2013
  • the position for those waiting over 36 week was the best since May 2013
  • the number of people waiting over 14 weeks for therapy services was 98% lower than March 2018 and the best position ever reported.

On the 30th June Health Minister, Vanghan Gething, has announced an additional £50 million fund to further cut waiting times for elective procedures, building on the good progress made in the last 3 years.

David Cole, Chief Executive of Vanguard Healthcare Solutions, said: “Our colleagues in NHS boards are under increasing pressure to deliver more and more services year on year while maintaining the excellent standards of patient treatment and care the NHS is undoubtedly known for.

“Ci sono sfide legate al fatto di avere una forza lavoro sufficiente, una struttura adatta allo scopo e strutture per fornire questo numero di procedure e servizi e i livelli di investimento di capitale richiesti per fornire entrambi.

“While funding is essential, it is clear these challenges will not be easily solved and will require innovative solutions in a number of different areas, not least infrastructure and staffing, to ensure patient experience is not compromised.”

This announcement by the welsh government is a welcome funding stream to assist in alleviating all these challenges to facilitate higher volume high quality patient care.

The full announcement can be read here:

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Soluzioni sanitarie Vanguard
Unità 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD


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