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Vanguard Healthcare Solutions awarded place on NEW Modular and pre-fabricated buildings NHS Commercial Solutions (NHSCS) framework ref:5028-3946

22 април, 2021
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With instillation of its modular healthcare buildings rapidly increasing across the NHS a new procurement route has been established. Vanguard has been awarded a place on NHS Commercial Solutions Framework for Modular and pre-fabricated buildings.

At the beginning of 2020 Vanguard Healthcare Solutions acquired a facility for the development, build and fulfilment of modular and pre-fabricated healthcare buildings to complement its existing mobile healthcare fleet established over 20 years ago. With instillation of its modular healthcare buildings rapidly increasing across the NHS a new procurement route has been established. Vanguard has been awarded a place on NHS Commercial Solutions Framework for Modular and pre-fabricated buildings. The framework has been established to provide a range of quick routes to market and services to help enable NHS Estates and Facilities teams to meet their performance goals and statutory requirements. Линдзи Дрансфийлд , Chief Commercial Officer, Vanguard Healthcare Solutions, commented: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with NHS Commercial Solutions to provide an appropriate framework for the procurement of our essential healthcare facilities used extensively across the UK to deliver additional clinical infrastructure and knowledge where it is most needed”.

Stephen Ellesmere, Senior Project Manager for NHS Commercial Solutions, commented, “We are pleased to announce NHS Commercial Solutions’ new modular and pre-fabricated buildings framework is now live. With the increasing challenge to rapidly expand building capacities this framework provides a fast, cost effective and versatile solution without interrupting services. It covers solutions for all public sectors including the NHS. Further information is available on https://www.commercialsolutions-sec.nhs.uk/

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Vanguard Решения за здравеопазване
Unit 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD

Електронна поща:
[email protected]

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