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Helping Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust

29 юли, 2021
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Increase capacity in endoscopy procedures through the innovative use of a bespoke modular solution.

Vanguard Healthcare Solutions worked alongside the Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust to design and build an endoscopy “one-stop” solution which incorporates not only two high quality clinical procedure rooms but also an in-house endoscope decontamination suite based at Wexham Park Hospital in Slough.

The building also includes a reception and waiting area, two consultation rooms, six-bed recovery bay, patient facilities and kitchen, staff welfare and plant, technical and storage rooms. The modular building, created from 46 single units, was built in a little under two months.

Capacity for elective procedures all over the country have faced increased pressure as a result of COVID-19. Since opening in February this year, the unit has seen high volumes of patients everyday day. The unit performs a range of endoscopy procedures including colonoscopies, sigmoidoscopies and gastroscopies. It is staffed by the Trust’s own clinical teams.

Simon Conroy, National Endoscopy Sales Manager for Vanguard Healthcare Solutions, said: “This project is a great example of a Trust using innovative thinking and solutions to help them provide essential patient care and increase capacity.

Stephen Holmes, Associate Director of Capital at Frimley Health, said: “We were very impressed with the speed at which the new endoscopy suite was designed and built. It has enabled us to rapidly increase capacity for these important diagnostic services at Wexham Park Hospital so that more of our patients can be assessed as soon as possible.”

Click here to take a video tour of the new facility 

“We’ve been delighted to work so closely with the team at Wexham Park to create a unit which is absolutely bespoke to their clinical needs and provides a high quality environment within which to offer excellent patient care."
Simon Conroy, National Endoscopy Sales Manager, Vanguard Healthcare Solutions

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Vanguard Решения за здравеопазване
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