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Mobile laminar flæði leikhús og farsíma heilsugæslustöð uppsett á Charing Cross sjúkrahúsinu

11 apríl, 2022
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Færanlegt laminar flæði leikhús og farsíma heilsugæslustöð hafa verið sett upp í samstarfi við Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust til að veita frekari skurðaðgerð á Charing Cross sjúkrahúsinu

The UK’s leading healthcare space provider, Vanguard Healthcare Solutions, has delivered a mobile theatre solution to Charing Cross Hospital in partnership with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. The solution aims to allow the Trust to see more patients while have the extra capacity to complete more low complexity procedures.

Farsími laminar flow operating theatre og mobile clinic from Vanguard have been installed at Charing Cross Hospital. The facility will be used for ophthalmic procedures, providing additional surgical capacity within the main hospital for more complex procedures.

Designed, built, and installed by Vanguard, the mobile laminar flow theatre includes an anaesthetic room, operating theatre, first-stage recovery area, and staff changing and utility areas. The Vanguard laminar flow theatre produces HEPA-filtered environmental air, conforming to Grade A EUGMP. This allows up to 600 air changes per hour passing over the patient and 25 fresh air changes.

The combination of a mobile theatre and clinic solution creates additional space for outpatients. The facility will be operating 6 days per week and will be in place for a year, enabling the Trust to see and treat more patients.

Nicola Wiles, Divisional Systems Resilience Lead and Improvement Coach at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust said: “Vanguard brought the facility to Charing Cross Hospital in mid-February and in under 4 weeks we were ready to welcome our first patients. The installation and commissioning teams have work in collaboration with Trust staff and have provided invaluable support to prepare our theatres team.”

Maxine Lawson, Account Manager South for Vanguard said, “Every project we work on is unique and tailored to the client, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust approached us with a need to increase surgical capacity and this bespoke facility was designed to best fit the needs of the client.

We are delighted to see the installation of the mobile facility and we look forward to seeing an increase in ophthalmic procedures at the hospital as a result”.

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Vanguard Healthcare Solutions
Eining 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD


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