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Osiedla Służby Zdrowia

Vanguard Healthcare Solutions will be participating in The Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management (IHEEM) conference and exhibition, Healthcare Estates.

The largest gathering of NHS Estates, Facilities and Engineering professionals in the UK, with over 3,500 expected to attend, the IHEEM Conference provides delegates with the opportunity to engage with the issues shaping the sector, through a multi-stream programme of keynotes, presentations and workshops.

On its stand, Vanguard will demonstrate to visitors how specialising exclusively in healthcare, it is uniquely able to provide high quality, fully compliant healthcare facilities within weeks, with its range of mobile facilities which is currently providing capacity for orthopaedic surgery, ophthalmic surgery, endoscopy, sterile services, ward space and ambulance handover.

Also, Vanguard will show how, with its clinical team supporting other internal resources, including design, manufacture, engineering and installation, it is uniquely equipped to understand the needs of healthcare providers and deliver the perfect modular solution. of the highest quality, at pace.

Whether it is a laminar flow operating theatre within a few weeks or a four-theatre surgical hub within a few months, at Healthcare Estates, Vanguard will show how it delivers to the highest quality and at pace.

Book your place now

Osiedla Służby Zdrowia

wt., paź 10th, 2023 Do
śr., paź 11th, 2023

Szczegóły wydarzenia

Data i godzina

wt., paź 10th, 2023 Do
śr., paź 11th, 2023

Typy Wydarzeń


Pobierz Wydarzenia iCal

Rozwiązania Vanguard dla opieki zdrowotnej
Unit 1144 Regent Court, The Square, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester, GL3 4AD


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